I have a new nephew!
Here are some more of the family photos I promised yesterday. A little explanation... My next door neighbors growing up were like a second family to me. We saw them every day, and shared all of our most important moments with them. So I refer to Dona and Bill as my other parents, and call Crawford my big brother. That being said, I have one beautiful niece - Crawford and Amy's daughter Lucinda. (There are tons of blog posts with photos of her.) I also have a nephew - my sister Heather and her husband Ryan's son Sylvan, the star of the last post. As of July 7th, 2010, I now have another nephew! Crawford and Amy's son Winter was born last week, and here are a few shots from the hospital. I'll be doing a more official session this weeks, so more to come for sure.Lucinda contemplates becoming a big sister.Lucinda has some fun with dad.The happy family!Winter - isn't he beautiful?A little grumpy...I call this one, "Put me back!"